Think Tank Aktivitäten (Auswahl)
Public consultation on guidance on the rules applicable to the use of public-private partnerships in the framework of preventing and fighting money laundering and terrorist financing
GMVV & Co. GmbH Think Tank
Contribution ID: be3f8bb5-935f-4bf4-8024-d7ad1028f772
Civil and criminal judicial cooperation – e-CODEX data exchange system (technical and administrative aspects)
GMVV & Co. GmbH Think Tank
Feedback reference: F3359370
LG Berlin, Beschluss vom 19.10.2022 – (525 KLs) 279 Js 30/22 (8/22)
2023 EU Justice Scoreboard
GMVV & Co. GmbH Think Tank
Feedback reference: F3372642
Equality bodies – binding standards
GMVV & Co. GmbH Think Tank
Feedback reference: F3372677
Background regarding our statement to Council Regulation (EC) No 734/2008 of 15 July 2008 on the protection of vulnerable marine eco- systems in the high seas from the adverse impacts of bottom fishing gears
Contribution ID: 2df81438-71ec-4764-bd9b-4acdb4064588