We at GMVV & CO. GmbH take our social responsibility seriously. Here are a few examples…
The GMVV has been supporting and sponsoring cultural and social projects in Frankfurt for years.

soziale Projekte in Frankfurt

The GMVV regularly supports pro bono projects with high social relevance and socially relevant background.


The GMVV is active in the area of human rights by supervising and coordinating legal proceedings of politically persecuted persons or people with a migration background. We often work together with organisations such as Fair Trials international.


You Can’t Destroy a Movement – Interview with Captain Paul Watson

The Threat to Human Rights Posed by Anti-Terrorist Laws after 9/11 by Michele Sciurba

Michele Sciurba: Interpol Confirms Innocence of Politically Persecuted Akbar Abdullaev

Zur Lage der Menschenrechte in Usbekistan

The Incompatibility of Global Anti-Money Laundering Regimes with Human and Civil Rights; Michele Sciurba, Nomos 2019

„Hier bin ich geboren“, Ardi Goldman, Frankfurt und die Cargocity Süd