Today the global market economy is mainly determined by multinationals. Since goods and information are available through the unrestricted access to the Internet 24/7, subsidiaries of multinational companies are equally expected to carry out their corporate, social and environmental responsibilities. Leaders in multinational companies, on the other hand, are not only required to adhere to national regulations and laws, but also to follow international recommendations such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

In order to avoid loss of market share and reputational loss, the inclusion of the views of various interest groups has become an integral part of corporate strategy. In addition, the increasing replacement of Agency Theory by hybrid models of corporate has led to increasing stakeholder-oriented corporate management.

Strengthen Confidence
Overall, responsible corporate governance and corporate social responsibility in multinational companies strengthens confidence among investors, banks and other stakeholders, which is indispensable for the long-term success and growth of companies.

GMVV & Co. GmbH helps you to implement corporate governance and corporate social responsibility systems, especially with regard to the appropriate involvement of larger stakeholders, as well as in the development of an annual Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Reports.